
“The One and Only Ivan” review by Carole Moore

***** Lifeline Theatre’s new children’s play, “The One and Only Ivan”, an adaptation of the 2012 Newberry winning novel by Katherine Applegate, is a touching story that really resonated for me, and as an added and most important bonus, my granddaughter, Molly, who is 5 ½, liked it a lot. I give “The One and Only Ivan” 4 Spotlights.



W Śląskim Saloniku Mody

Rozmowa z Aleksandrą Roztropowicz (Rotter), projektantką mody

Moja Mama powtarzała czasem znane polskie przysłowie, że: „bieda nauczy wróżyć“.
Rozumiałam je, ale nie tak dosłownie jak teraz, w dorosłym życiu.
