

The Board of Directors of the Paderewski Festival in Paso Robles Announce A TOAST TO PADEREWSKI  Saturday, April 25th, 2009 at 6 p.m.Pear Valley Winery4900 Union Road, Paso Robles, CA 93446  Tickets: $75 per person; $45 […]

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Chicago—March 25, 2009—The Night Ministry, in partnership with Alternatives, Inc., is pleased to announce the support of the Simpson Academy for Young Women.  Throughout the 2008-2009 school year, the students at Simpson Academy have been working on plans to open a school-based daycare center for their children. 


The daycare center presentation will take place at the Simpson Academy Cafeteria, 1321 South Paulina Street on Tuesday, March 31, 2009 at 12:30pm.


The Simpson Academy for Young Women is now the only school in Chicago that serves pregnant and parenting girls between the ages of 11 and 18.  Simpson offers a general education curriculum in a nurturing environment that includes social work services and counseling services for students and their families.  In their Job Readiness class, the students were surveyed and recognized a pressing need for a day care center, especially since Simpson is a school for pregnant and parenting girls.  As part of their curriculum, the students collaborated to research and develop a viable plan for a school-based daycare center from a teen parent’s perpective.  In creating their center, students created a budget, daily schedules and activities, menus, safety regulations, and staff.


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The School for Leaders Association launches the 1st edition of the School for Leaders for the Polish Community Abroad

The Project is funded by the Chancellery of the Senate of the Republic o f Poland.

The School for Leaders Association welcomes the activists of the Polish community abroad and invites them to participate in the School for Leaders for the Polish Community in the United States and Canada.

Applications can be made from 1st April 2009. The School for Leaders for the Polish Community Abroad is aimed at dynamic activists of the Polish communities abroad who are of Polish descent and aged between 20 and 35. The session of the School for Leaders will be held for two weeks from 29th June to 12th July 2009 and residents of the United States or Canada will participate. Deadline for making applications is 26th April 2009.


The objective of the project is to increase participants’ national identification with Poland and its culture as well as to introduce them to issues concerning transformation of the political system in Poland, country’s contemporary society and economy. The programme will develop participants’ leadership skills by preparing them to undertake dynamic and socially aware activities within their local communities. 


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Międzynarodowy Motocyklowy Rajd Katyński



Wielkanocne spotkanie u Ksiedza Marka. W dniu 4 kwietnia(sobota) o godz. 15:00 u naszego Kapelana, ksiedza Marka, w Parafii Matki Bozej Krolowej Polski w Aninie, przy ul. Rzezbiarskiej 46, podzielimy sie Wielkanocnym Jajkiem. Zabieramy ze soba rajdowe spiewniki i instrumenty muzyczne. Zapraszamy motocyklistow i wszystkich naszych Przyjaciol bardzo serdecznie.


JASNA GORA 2009 – radosne rozpoczęcie sezonu motocyklowego im. Księdza Ułana Zdzisława Peszkowskiego odbędzie się w dniach 18 – 19 kwietnia 2009 roku na Jasnej Gorze. To juz nasz VI Zlot Gwiazdzisty. W roku ubieglym, w deszczu i chlodzie przyjechalo z calej Polski ponad 15 tys. motocykli. Ilu nas bedzie w tym roku?


Juz w sobote 18 kwietnia, o godz 18:00 spotykamy sie w sali O. Kordeckiego. Wystapi zespol z Zytomierza „Poleskie Sokoly”. Beda spiewac polskie piesni patriotyczne, pieknym kresowym akcentem, takim jakim mowil Mickiewicz, Slowacki. Bedzie prelekcja dr Leszka Rysaka z IPN o Kresach Rzeczypospolitej, a o godzinie 21:00 Apel Jasnogorski, modlitwa za Kościół i Ojczyznę, w Kaplicy Cudownego Obrazu Matki Bożej Jasnogórskiej, Królowej Polski.


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College Illinois!sm 529 Prepaid Tuition Program on “Firm Footing”

Plan continues to enroll new contract holders at current prices through April 30


CHICAGO— The Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC) announces it is entering its final month of the current enrollment period for the College Illinois! 529 prepaid tuition plan with the program in solid financial shape.


“Our message to the residents of Illinois and current College Illinois! contract holders is that the program is on firm footing,” explained ISAC Executive Director Andrew Davis.  College Illinois’ assets are both safe and liquid.”


As of February 28, 2009, the value of College Illinois’ assets stood at $726,646,868.  The program has 55,527 active contracts as of December 31, 2008, including 44,148 paid in full.


The primary reason people invest in College Illinois! is the security the program affords their investment in their child’s future.  Unlike a savings plan, College Illinois! is a contract.  Each contract holder is entitled to receive the tuition and fee benefits as stated in the contract, regardless of fluctuations in the market.


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Uprzejmie informujemy, iż w dniu 31 marca 2009 Polskie Linie Lotnicze LOT zaprzestają przyjmowania na pokład podróżnych powracających do Polski I posługujących się nieważnym polskim paszportem.

Zgodnie z obowiązującymi aktami prawnymi US Customs and Order Protection oraz przepisami wewnętrznymi PLL LOT obowiązującymi dokumentami podróży są:

 – ważny paszport

 – książeczka żeglarska

 – rozkaz podróży dla żołnierzy […]


1,000 Harriet Irsay Scholarship Grant American Institute of Polish Culture

Deadline – April 20, 2009


Logo AIPCSince 1992, the Scholarship Committee of the American Institute of Polish Culture in Miami has awarded over $175,000.00 in scholarship aid to over 150 talented American students of Polish descent.


This year, the Committee will award ten to fifteen scholarship grants of $1,000 each, for the 2009/2010 academic year in the following fields:







-International Relations


-Liberal Arts

-Polish Studies

-Public Relations

-Graduate students in business programs whose thesis is directly related to Poland

-Graduate students in all majors whose thesis is on the Polish subject


PACBA zaprasza Polonię na spotkanie z przedstawicielami miasta Chicago



PACBA LOGOStowarzyszenie Polsko Amerykanskich Kontraktorow Budowniczych, PACBA, organizuje spotkanie z przedstawicielami miasta Chicago: Department of Procurement Services, Metra  i Chicago Park District.


Będzie to informacyjna prezentacja na temat How to do Business with Government Angencies: requirement, process, how to find projectsand much more…


Uczestnicy spotkania będą mieli okazję nawiązać kontakty z tymi instytucjami oraz zaznajomić się z obecnymi pojektami rządowymi. 



2 kwiecień, 2009 (czwartek),  6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Polish National Alliance

6100 N. Cicero Av., Chicago, IL 60646

Wolny parking na posiadlosci PNA.  


Dom Daru Serca

Fundacja Dar Serca zaprasza na Uroczyste otwarcie Centrum Dzieci Daru Serca –placówki rehabilitacyjno – opiekuńczej

Dom Daru Serca


3860 N. 25th  Avenue,

Schiller Park,  IL 60176;


11:00 rano,  środa,  15 kwietnia 2009;


Uroczyste przecięcie wstęgi przez: JE Ks. Bp. Thomasa Paprockiego, Konsula Generalnego RP, Zygmunta Matynię, Burmistrza Schiller Park, Annę Montanę i Honorowego Przewodniczącego Komitetu Budowy Centrum, Waltera Kotabę.

Konferencja prasowa – informacja prezesa Fundacji, Krystyny B. Pasek, Waldemara Czerpaka oraz Marka Jezuita, generalnych kontraktorów a zarazem sponsorów i wolontariuszy o własciwościach techniczno – organizacyjnych Centrum, jego budowie i planowanych sposobach wykorzystania. Także o rozwiązaniach dostosowujących Centrum do potrzeb chorych i niepełnosprawnych dzieci.



The Art of Pisanki presented by The Polish Museum of America

pisankiOn April 2nd Indian Trails Public Library 355 S. Schoenbeck Rd. Wheeling, IL. 60090 will host The Polish Museum of America representatives, who will lead a hands-on demonstration of making pisanki in the style especially popular in Poland. Appropriate for adults and children 12 or older. Everybody can register online or by calling Elva at 847-279-2252


Saturday, April 4, 2009, from 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.


The Polish Museum of America’s Annual Palm Weaving Workshop and Easter Egg Decorating Demonstration featuring: Drapanki the Art of Scratching Patterns into dyed eggs with a needle & Egg Taping the Art of taping patterns onto eggs. 984 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL. 60642. Please join us to learn the forgotten art of palm weaving. This is a basic level class in which you will learn to create a cross, crown of thorns, rose, grapes and leaves. Supplies, an instruction booklet and hands on, step by step instruction will be provided. The knowledge you will gain will keep this beautiful Easter Art from vanishing! Reservations are required. Fees cover the cost of materials. PMA Members $10, Non Members $15, Children 12 & under $5 Contact 773-562-6059 with questions. Traditional Polish Easter themed hors d’oeuvres will be served.
